Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chance to win free gas (or at least save some gas)

For a while now, I've been contributing to a website that collects gasoline prices.  They are North America wide with the site but the local version I use is called

You build a list of gas stations you use or drive by regularly.  Then each day, you report the price of gas you saw at each station.  Each time you report a price, you earn 150 points up to a maximum of 750 points per day.  And for each 1000 points you earn, you can get a ticket in their weekly draw for a $250 gas card.  No, I haven't won a card yet :-(

Montreal (or maybe all of Quebec) seems to be pretty unique since there doesn't seem to be any control or regulation on the price of gas.  The price will regularly swing by about 8 cents per liter each week on a fairly predicable rhythm.  I've been fairly successful in predicting when the next spike will be and filling up the day before.  If you take a look at their price graph here, you'll see what I mean.  Check out your city to see if there's a pattern.

If you take my case, I fill up for roughly $30 per week (I drive a Hyundai Accent)  That's roughly 28 liters.  If I paid an extra 8 cents per liter at each fill up I would be paying roughly $1.25 extra each week which translates to about $115 per year.  But that's the minimum amount for a compact car.  If you drive an SUV and spend $100 a week filling up, you'd be saving closer to $350 per year.

Check out my YouTube channel:

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